Kabar terbaru tentang BUMI adalah bahwa perseroan akan bekerjasama dengan pemda NTB untuk membeli 10% saham PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT). Pembelian sebesar US$ 391 juta atau sekitar Rp 4 triliun ini akan dilakukan melalui anak usahanya PT Multicapital.
Selain itu, BUMI juga akan membangun pabrik pengolahan dan pemurnian emas tembaga senilai Rp 5-6 triliun. Pihak BUMI juga berkomitmen untuk membantu pemda menguasai saham NNT hingga 51%
BUMI Bakal Produksi Fosfat dan Biji Besi 2012
JAKARTA. PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) berencana untuk memproduksi fosfat dan biji besi di Mauritania dan Liberia, Afrika. Hal ini dikatakan oleh Direktur Operasional PT Bumi Resources Tbk, Kenneth Farrell, Jumat (26/6).
Kenneth mengatakan, BUMI telah menyewa lahan di dua negara di Afrika untuk pengembangan bisnisnya tersebut. Mereka berharap bisa memulai produksi komersial untuk biji besi dan fosfat pada tahun 2021.
Friday, 26 June 2009 16:11:10
StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) has decided to pay dividends of IDR50.60 per share for the 2008 fiscal year, and the decision has been made in the company's AGM today (26/6) in Jakarta.
Bumi Resources' total dividend value for the 2008 fiscal year is 15% of the company's 2008 net profit of US$645.345 million or US$33.62 per 1,000 shares. (irawan/bw)
RUPS PT Semen Gresik Tbk menyetujui pembayaran dividen sebesar 50 persen dari laba bersih tahun buku 2008. Semen Gresik akan membayar dividen sebesar Rp 213 per saham dengan nilai total Rp 1,26 triliun.
Demikian disampaikan Dirut Semen Gresik Dwi Soetjipto di sela-sela RUPS Tahunan di Ritz Carlton Kuningan, Jakarta, Kamis (26/6/2009).
"Dividen ini akan dibayarkan 7 Agustus," katanya.
Pembayaran dividen ini sesuai dengan permintaan pemerintah sebagai pemegang saham sebelumnya.
"Ya intinya, perusahaan berniat untuk berkembang lebih baik lagi tahun ini dan ekspektasi kita usulkan terhadap dividen sekitar 50 persen tahun ini," ungka Menneg BUMN Sofyan Djalil Rabu (24/6/2009) malam.
Hingga akhir tahun 2008, perusahaan semen plat merah itu membukukan laba bersih sebesar Rp 2,523 triliun. Dengan begitu, dividen yang akan ditarik pemerintah sebesar Rp 1,261 triliun.
Sofyan juga mengatakan, pemerintah tidak akan mengambil dividen spesial seperti yang dilakukan pemerintah pada setoran dividen PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN).
"Enggaklah, mereka (Semen Gresik) butuh dana juga untuk ekspansi," katanya.
The Coming Oil Crisis
Canadian economist Jeff Rubin has a somewhat oracular reputation. Since 2000, he has predicted a massive oil-price spike, and he was among the first in 2007 to prophesy that oil would soar over $100 per barrel (a few months later, he said $150 a barrel and was basically proved right again). Now, even though oil has dropped considerably from its peak, Rubin warns that it's bound to skyrocket once more and cause another, even greater economic crisis. In his new book, Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller, he lays out how this energy crunch will occur—and why it will spell the end of globalization.
The scenario goes something like this: the ongoing depletion of the world's oil resources, coupled with soaring demand from emerging economies like India and China, will send the price of crude through the roof, Rubin says. This will seriously escalate transportation costs, which in turn will cripple international trade, reverse commercial interdependence and disable the global economy.
The resulting age will be one in which nations are isolated, technological progress is sluggish and travel is infrequent. The Middle East will be less relevant than it is today, and food scarcity will emerge as the foremost international problem. Countries with a shortage of arable land will scramble and compete to buy agricultural real estate from other nations (for example, as Saudi Arabia is already now doing in Sudan) to alleviate their ever-worsening food crises.
Rubin's future isn't all bad. To offset the effects of the energy crisis, governments will have to invest heavily in national infrastructure (especially public-transportation systems); national industries once hurt by outsourcing and foreign competition will thrive; and the environment will become cleaner as people are forced to use less fossil fuel and as cars disappear from the streets.
But Rubin warns that governments can do only so much—successful adaptation to an energy-starved world will largely depend on individuals altering their energy-consumption norms. Still, he is willing to bet that people will make the right choices. All in all, he says, "don't be surprised if the new, smaller world that emerges isn't a lot more liveable and enjoyable than the one we are about to leave behind."
Rubin's argument is powerful. There's no denying that the international economy has become critically dependent on oil as its main source for energy. Yet, like other believers in the "peak oil" theory, he falls into the trap of underestimating society's capacity to meet future fuel challenges through innovation and conservation. The story of energy over the past century has been one of breakthroughs, not retreat—so although the energy problems we face today should be a cause for concern, global integration will continue to deepen and the world is not likely to get smaller any time soon.
Label: Oil Crisis
Friday, 19 June 2009 09:07:19
StockWatch (Jakarta) -
PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk (SGRO) has planned to pay dividends of IDR90 per share for the 2008 fiscal year or totally IDR170.100 billion which will be taken from the company's 2008 net profit of IDR439.516 billion.
Sampoerna Agro's corporate secretary Budianto Tjuatja said in a press release, the shareholders approved the dividend payment in the AGM on Thursday (18/6) and the company will pay the dividends on July 29, 2009.
He said the rest of the company's 2008 net profit which is IDR8.7 billion will be allocated for Putra Sampoerna Foundation in a bid to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, then IDR6 billion for general reserve, and IDR254.72 billion will be withheld.
Further he said that the company's 2008 net profit was up sharply 104% at IDR439.52 billion (IDR236 per share) versus IDR215.1 billion (IDR129 per share) in 2007, whereas the company's consolidated sales climbed 43% at IDR2.29 trillion from IDR1.6 trillion. (yan/bd)
No | Code Stock | Name | |
1 | ADRO | Adaro Energy TBK | |
2 | AKRA | AKR Corporindo TBK | |
3 | ANTM | Aneka Tambang TBK | |
4 | AALI | Astra Agro Lestari TBK | |
5 | ASII | Astra International Indonesia TBK | |
6 | UNSP | Bakrie Sumatra Plantation TBK | |
7 | BBCA | Bank Central Asia TBK | |
8 | BNGA | Bank Niaga TBK | |
9 | BNII | Bank International Indonesia TBK | |
10 | BDMN | Bank Danamon TBK | |
11 | BMRI | Bank Mandiri TBK | |
12 | BBNI | Bank Negara Indoenesia TBK | |
13 | PNBN | Bank Pan Indonesia TBK | |
14 | BBRI | Bank Rakyat Indonesia TBK | |
15 | BRPT | Barito Pacifik Timber TBK | |
16 | BYAN | Bayan Resources TBK | |
17 | BLTA | Berlian Laju Tanker TBK | |
18 | BISI | Bisi International TBK | |
19 | CPIN | Charoen Pokhphan Indonesia TBK | |
20 | DEWA | Dhama Henwa Tbk | |
21 | ELSA | Elnusa TBK | |
22 | SMCB | Holcim Indonesia TBK | |
23 | INKP | Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper TBK | |
24 | INDY | Indika Energy TBK | |
25 | ITMG | Indo Tambangraya Megahb | |
26 | INTP | Indoecement Tunggal Perkasa TBK | |
27 | INDF | Indofood Sukses Makmur TBK | |
28 | ISAT | Indosat TBK | |
29 | INCO | International Nichel Indonesia TBK | |
30 | JSMR | Jasa Marga TBK | |
31 | KLBF | Kalbe Farma TBK | |
32 | LPKR | Lippo Karawaci TBK | |
33 | MEDC | Medco Energy International TBK | |
34 | MIRA | Mitra Rajasa TBK | |
35 | PGAS | Perusahaan Gas Negara TBK | |
36 | LSIP | PP London Sumetara TBK | |
37 | SGRO | Samperna Agro TBK | |
38 | SMGR | Semen Gresik TBK | |
39 | PTBA | Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam TBK | |
40 | TLKM | Telekomunikasi Indonesia TBK | |
41 | TINS | Timah TBK | |
42 | TBLA | Tunas Baru Lampung TBK | |
43 | TRUB | Truba Alam Manunggal Engineering | |
44 | UNTR | United Tractor TBK | |
45 | UNVR |
Unilevel Indonesia TBK |